Dumfries Table Tennis Club

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Time to register for league play 2024/25

Registration is now open for the Dumfries Table Tennis League: 

Those interested should complete ONE of the two forms below BEFORE FRIDAY 20TH SEPTEMBER. Copies are also available on the club noticeboard in the main hall.  EITHER 


If you have teammate(s) arranged Complete this form online or download 240823_League Membership and Registration Form to print

  • Maximum 3 players per team (Minimum 2).
  • Forms require name, address, contact number and DOB for each team member.
  • ALL team members must be members of DTTC. (Renew or apply for DTTC  membership HERE)
  • ALL team members must also be members of Table Tennis Scotland. Apply individually here or DTTC can submit a group application
  • FULL members are covered for all costs of playing matches at the club.
  • BASIC members pay £3 (adult) or £2 (junior) per match.
  • Each team MUST nominate ONE person to act as SECRETARY, and that person will be added to a League WhatsApp Group to facilitate organising matches.
  • Each team MUST nominate a preferred (or “home”) night. This would usually be Tuesday, Wednesday or sometimes Saturday daytime.
  • Team entries can be submitted via the online form, emailed directly to Jason Fleming at JDouglasFleming@outlook.com or printed, filled in and handed in at the club marked “FAO Jason Fleming” NO LATER THAN FRIDAY 20TH SEPTEMBER.DTTC